C Coding/naming convention

The main reason for using a consistent set of coding conventions is to standardize the structure and coding style of an application so that you and others can easily read and understand the code. Good coding conventions result in precise, readable, and unambiguous source code that is consistent with other language conventions and as intuitive as possible.

Different ways of naming you variables exists. You are advised to adopt a naming convention; some use snake case others use camel case. The R community mostly use snake case but camel case is also okay. Choose the naming convention you like best in your study group. But stick only to one of them. A few examples:

this_is_snake_case   # note you do not use capital letters here
thisIsCamelCase      # you start each word with a capital letter (except the first)

When defining variables and functions, it is in general good practice to use nouns for variables and verbs for functions.

C.1 Commenting your code

It is always good practice to comment your code. Such that others can get a fast overview and understand your code easier. We will use roxygen documentation comments which are widely known.

#' Subtract two vectors
#' @param x First vector.
#' @param y Vector to be subtracted.
#' @return The difference.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' subtract(x = c(5,5), y = c(2,3))
subtract <- function(x, y) {

You can add a roxygen skeleton automatically using Code > Insert Roxygen Skeleton in RStudio.