E VBA specific topics

E.1 Debugging your code

You debug you code to find errors and correct bugs in your program. VBA has a built-in debugger that you may use to step though you code and check if the values in memory are correct. You start and use the debugger using the debugger buttons in the VBA editor, e.g. set the cursor in the top of a sub and press the Step Into button ( F8, ⇧⌘I). You can now repeatedly press the button to step though the code.

In the Locals window you can see the values of the variables as you run you code.

Finally, if you want to run the program until a specific line or code then insert a break-point by clicking the margin of that line in the VBA editor. Next, run you sub and the debugger will stop at that line.

For more details you may have a look at Chapter 9 in Wøhlk (2010) or the videos Debug toolbar, Locals window and Breakpoints.

E.3 Course procedures

The course have a set of course procedures that you may use ‘as is’ during the course and at the exam without any warranty. I will explicitly state if you are not allowed to use them. An overview is given in Table E.1. All procedures within a topic start with the same suffix so you easy can find them using auto complete in the VBA editor (Ctrl + Space). On a mac you may have to disable the default shortcut (Ctrl + Space) for switching input sources. You can go to the System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Input Sources and disable it. For instance all procedures related to arrays start with suffix Ary. Similar the procedures are stored in module ModAry. The modules are stored in the Excel files we use during the course and all course procedures can also be found as text files. If you want to use a course procedure in your own file copy/import the whole module containing the procedure to the Excel file.

Table E.1: Course procedures. See the modules named ModRng, ModAry, ModWst, ModCol, ModTm, and ModRand for further info.
Procedure Type Description
AryCopyColumn sub Create a 1D array by copying it from a column in a 2D array
AryCopyRow sub Create a 1D array by copying it from a row in a 2D array
AryDim function Array dimension
AryEmpty function Check if an array empty
AryFromCSV sub Read a csv file to and array
AryPaste sub Paste a 1D or 2D array to a sheet
AryPasteColumn sub Paste a column of a 2D array to a sheet
AryPasteRow sub Paste a row of a 2D array to a sheet
AryQuickSort sub Sort a 2-Dimensional array using a quicksort algorithm
AryRead sub Read a range into a 2D array
AryReadLong sub Read a range (long format) into an array (up to a 5D array is supported)
AryToSeq sub Set all array elements to a sequence
AryToStr function Convert an array to a string
AryToVal sub Set all array elements to a specific value
Col2Str function Convert a collection to a string
ColCopy function Copy a collection
RandGenBinomial sub Generate random numbers from a binomial distribution
RandGenDiscrete sub Generate random numbers from a custom discrete distribution
RandGenNormal sub Generate random numbers from a normal distribution
RandGenPoisson sub Generate random numbers from a poisson distribution
RandGenUniformCont sub Generate random numbers from a continuous uniform distribution
RandGenUniformDisc sub Generate random numbers from a discrete uniform distribution
RandInvBinomial function Generate a random number from a binomial distribution
RandInvDiscrete function Generate a random number from a custom discrete distribution
RandInvNormal function Generate a random number from a normal distribution
RandInvPoisson function Generate a random number from a Poisson distribution
RandInvUniformCont function Generate a random number from a continuous uniform distribution
RandInvUniformDisc function Generate a random number from a discrete uniform distribution
RngClear sub Clear a range
RngCurRegion function Return the current region of a range
RngFormat sub Format a range
RngFromCSV function Read a csv file and output it to cells
RngGetAddress function Return the address of a range.
RngGetColLetter function Convert column number to letter
RngGetCols function Columns in range
RngGetCurRegionAddress function Return the address of the current region of a range
RngGetCurRegionCols function Columns in current region
RngGetCurRegionFirstCol function First column in current region
RngGetCurRegionFirstRow function First row in current region
RngGetCurRegionLastCol function Last column in current region
RngGetCurRegionLastRow function Last row in current region
RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft function Return the lower left cell of the current region
RngGetCurRegionLowerRight function Return the lower right cell of the current region
RngGetCurRegionRange function Return the part of the current region starting with upper right cell in row and col number (counting within the current range) and lower right corner of the current range.
RngGetCurRegionRows function Rows in current region
RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft function Return the upper left cell of the current region
RngGetCurRegionUpperRight function Return the upper right cell of the current region
RngGetFirstCol function First column in range
RngGetFirstRow function First row in range
RngGetLastCol function Last column in range
RngGetLastRow function Last row in range
RngGetLowerLeft function Return the lower left cell of the range
RngGetLowerRight function Return the lower right cell of the range
RngGetRange function Return the part of the range starting with upper right cell in row and col
RngGetRows function Rows in range
RngGetUpperLeft function Return the upper left cell of the range
RngGetUpperRight function Return the upper right cell of the range
RngJoin function Join two ranges
RngPaste function Paste a range on a sheet.
RngRemoveInterior sub Remove fill colors in cell range
RngToCSV sub Write a range to a csv file
TmElapsed function Time since timer has be started.
TmRestoreAfterSpeedOptimize sub Restore properties for the Application object after have called ApplicationSpeedOptimize
TmSpeedOptimize sub Set some properties for the Application object to optimize excecution of vba
TmStart function Start timer (unit seconds)
WstClear function Clear a worksheet if it exists
WstCreate function Create a worksheet
WstDelete function Delete a worksheet if it exists
WstExists function Check if a worksheet exists
WstRename function Rename a worksheet if it exists and no sheet with the new name

E.3.1 Detailed descriptions of course procedures

#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`
#> Warning in stri_sub(string, from = start, to = end): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`

E.3.1.1 RngRemoveInterior: Remove fill colors in cell range


Sub RngRemoveInterior(
   rng As Range
Argument Description
rng Range to clear.

E.3.1.2 RngFormat: Format a range


Sub RngFormat(
   rng As Range,
   Optional color As String = "none",
   Optional fit As Boolean = False,
   Optional vertical As Boolean = False,
   Optional merge As Boolean = False,
   Optional wrap As Boolean = False
Argument Description
rng Range to format.
color A string equal “normal”, “yellow”, “orange” or “green” (otherwise leave background as is).
fit Autofit width?
vertical Make orientation vertical?
merge Merge range?
wrap Wrap text?

Only works if you use an english version of Excel since e.g. .Style=“Good” must be replaced with .Style = “God” in DK.


    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rngNew As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))         ' get current region
    MsgBox ("Copy to H14 (upper left corner).")
    Set rngNew = RngPaste(rng, Range("H14"))    ' rngNew is now the new range
    MsgBox ("Make yellow.")
    Call RngFormat(rngNew, "yellow")
    MsgBox ("Remove format.")
    Call RngClear(rngNew, blnCells:=False, blnFormat:=True)
    MsgBox ("Clear range.")
    Call RngClear(rngNew)

E.3.1.3 RngGetCurRegionRows: Rows in current region


Function RngGetCurRegionRows(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion

Currentregion is the 2-dim range exapanded until empty cells


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.4 RngGetCurRegionCols: Columns in current region


Function RngGetCurRegionCols(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion

Currentregion is the 2-dim range exapanded until empty cells


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.5 RngGetColLetter: Convert column number to letter


Function RngGetColLetter(
   lngCol As Long
) As String
Argument Description
lngCol Column number.

E.3.1.6 RngGetCurRegionFirstRow: First row in current region


Function RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion

Current region is the 2-dim range expanded until empty cells


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.7 RngGetCurRegionFirstCol: First column in current region


Function RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asLetter As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion

Currentregion is the 2-dim range expanded until empty cells


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.8 RngGetCurRegionLastRow: Last row in current region


Function RngGetCurRegionLastRow(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion

Currentregion is the 2-dim range expanded until empty cells


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.9 RngGetCurRegionLastCol: Last column in current region


Function RngGetCurRegionLastCol(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asLetter As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion

Currentregion is the 2-dim range expanded until empty cells


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.10 RngGetCurRegionRange: Return the part of the current region starting with upper right cell in row and col number (counting within the current range) and lower right corner of the current range.


Function RngGetCurRegionRange(
   rng As Range,
   Optional row As Integer = 1,
   Optional col As Integer = 1
) As Range
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion
row First row number in the current range.
col First column number in the current range.


    RngGetCurRegionRange(rng, 2, 3) ' return the range of the current region starting in row number 2 and column number 3.

E.3.1.11 RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft: Return the upper left cell of the current region


Function RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion
asString Return as R1C1 string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C5")
  MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.12 RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft: Return the lower left cell of the current region


Function RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion
asString Return as R1C1 string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C5")
  MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.13 RngGetCurRegionUpperRight: Return the upper right cell of the current region


Function RngGetCurRegionUpperRight(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion
asString Return as R1C1 string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C5")
  MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.14 RngGetCurRegionLowerRight: Return the lower right cell of the current region


Function RngGetCurRegionLowerRight(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range within the currentregion
asString Return as R1C1 string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C5")
  MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper left cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperLeft(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetCurRegionUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.15 RngJoin: Join two ranges


Function RngJoin(
   rng1 As Range,
   rng2 As Range
) As Range
Argument Description


   Dim rng As Range
   Set rng = RngJoin(Range("A35:B38"), Range("A49:D56"))
   MsgBox (RngGetAddress(rng))  ' note rng is two seperate blocks of cells

E.3.1.16 RngPaste: Paste a range on a sheet.


Function RngPaste(
   rng As Range,
   rngUL As Range,
   Optional withFormat As Boolean = False
) As Range
Argument Description
rng The range to paste
rngUL The upper left cell to paste to.
withFormat If true also copy cell format too.


    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rngNew As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))         ' get current region
    MsgBox ("Copy to H14 (upper left corner).")
    Set rngNew = RngPaste(rng, Range("H14"))    ' rngNew is now the new range
    MsgBox ("Make yellow.")
    Call RngFormat(rngNew, "yellow")
    MsgBox ("Remove format.")
    Call RngClear(rngNew, blnCells:=False, blnFormat:=True)
    MsgBox ("Clear range.")
    Call RngClear(rngNew)

E.3.1.17 RngClear: Clear a range


Sub RngClear(
   rng As Range,
   Optional blnCells As Boolean = True,
   Optional blnContents As Boolean = False,
   Optional blnFormat As Boolean = False
Argument Description
rng Range to clear.
blnCells Delete cell contents, formats, comments, etc. (default).
blnContents Delete cell contents.
blnFormat Delete cell format.


    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rngNew As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))         ' get current region
    MsgBox ("Copy to H14 (upper left corner).")
    Set rngNew = RngPaste(rng, Range("H14"))    ' rngNew is now the new range
    MsgBox ("Make yellow.")
    Call RngFormat(rngNew, "yellow")
    MsgBox ("Remove format.")
    Call RngClear(rngNew, blnCells:=False, blnFormat:=True)
    MsgBox ("Clear range.")
    Call RngClear(rngNew)

E.3.1.18 RngCurRegion: Return the current region of a range


Function RngCurRegion(
   rng As Range
) As Range
Argument Description
rng The range to get the current region from.


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))  ' rng now is the current region
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.19 RngGetCurRegionAddress: Return the address of the current region of a range


Function RngGetCurRegionAddress(
   rng As Range
) As String
Argument Description
rng The range to get the current region from.


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("D7")  ' assume we know that data contains cell D7
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetCurRegionAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetCurRegionRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCurRegionCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetCurRegionLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.20 RngGetAddress: Return the address of a range.


Function RngGetAddress(
   rng As Range
) As String
Argument Description
rng The range to get the current region from


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))  ' rng now is the current region
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.21 RngGetRows: Rows in range


Function RngGetRows(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C4:E19")
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.22 RngGetCols: Columns in range


Function RngGetCols(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C4:E19")
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.23 RngGetFirstRow: First row in range


Function RngGetFirstRow(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range.


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))  ' rng now is the current region
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.24 RngGetFirstCol: First column in range


Function RngGetFirstCol(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asLetter As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C4:E19")
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.25 RngGetLastRow: Last row in range


Function RngGetLastRow(
   rng As Range
) As Long
Argument Description
rng A range.


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))  ' rng now is the current region
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.26 RngGetLastCol: Last column in range


Function RngGetLastCol(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asLetter As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range.


    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = RngCurRegion(Range("D7"))  ' rng now is the current region
    MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng))
    MsgBox ("Rows = " & RngGetRows(rng) & " cols = " & RngGetCols(rng))
    MsgBox ("First row number = " & RngGetFirstRow(rng) & ". Last row number = " & RngGetLastRow(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col number = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng) & ". Last col number = " & RngGetLastCol(rng) & ".")
    MsgBox ("First col letter = " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, True) & ". Last col letter = " & RngGetLastCol(rng, True) & ".")

E.3.1.27 RngGetRange: Return the part of the range starting with upper right cell in row and col


Function RngGetRange(
   rng As Range,
   Optional row As Integer = 1,
   Optional col As Integer = 1
) As Range
Argument Description
rng A range.
row Row number in the current range.
col Column number in the current range.


    RngGetRange(rng, 2, 3) ' return the range of the range starting in row number 2 and column number 3.

E.3.1.28 RngGetUpperLeft: Return the upper left cell of the range


Function RngGetUpperLeft(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range.


  MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng) & vbLf & _
          "Rows: " & RngGetRows(rng) & " " & "Cols: " & RngGetCols(rng) & vbLf & _
          "UL: " & RngGetUpperLeft(rng, asString:=True) & " " & _
          "UR: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True) & vbLf & _
          "LL: " & RngGetLowerLeft(rng, asString:=True) & " " & _
          "LR: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.29 RngGetLowerLeft: Return the lower left cell of the range


Function RngGetLowerLeft(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range.
asString Return as address string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  MsgBox ("Address: " & RngGetAddress(rng) & vbLf & _
          "Rows: " & RngGetRows(rng) & " " & "Cols: " & RngGetCols(rng) & vbLf & _
          "UL: " & RngGetUpperLeft(rng, asString:=True) & " " & _
          "UR: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True) & vbLf & _
          "LL: " & RngGetLowerLeft(rng, asString:=True) & " " & _
          "LR: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.30 RngGetUpperRight: Return the upper right cell of the range


Function RngGetUpperRight(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range.
asString Return as R1C1 string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C4:E19")
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.31 RngGetLowerRight: Return the lower right cell of the range


Function RngGetLowerRight(
   rng As Range,
   Optional asString As Boolean = False
) As Variant
Argument Description
rng A range.
asString Return as R1C1 string; otherwise return a Range to the cell.


  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TM5").Range("C4:E19")
  MsgBox ("Number of rows: " & RngGetRows(rng))
  MsgBox ("Number of cols: " & RngGetCols(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column number: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng))
  MsgBox ("First column letter: " & RngGetFirstCol(rng, asLetter:=True))
  MsgBox ("Lower right cell: " & RngGetLowerRight(rng, asString:=True))
  MsgBox ("Upper right cell: " & RngGetUpperRight(rng, asString:=True))

E.3.1.32 RngToCSV: Write a range to a csv file


Sub RngToCSV(
   strFileName As String,
   rng As Range,
   Optional strDelim As String = ";",
   Optional blnAddCharacter As Boolean = False,
   Optional blnAbsPath As Boolean = False
Argument Description
strFileName File name.
rng Range given the upper left cell of where to place the data.
strDelim Delimiter, e.g. “,” in a comma delimited file.
blnAddCharacter Add quotes around values.
blnAbsPath If true strName specify the absolute path otherwise create the folder as a subfolder to the current file placement.


    Dim rng As Range
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5    ' clear test cells so have empty cells
    '' Write to csv file
    Set rng = Range("C4:E19")
    Call RngToCSV("test.csv", rng, ";")     ' semicolon (;) separated file
    '' Read test.csv file to check
    Range("G3") = "Content of test.csv:"
    Set rng = RngFromCSV("test.csv", Range("G4"), ";")

E.3.1.33 RngFromCSV: Read a csv file and output it to cells


Function RngFromCSV(
   strFileName As String,
   rngUL As Range,
   Optional strDelim As String = ";",
   Optional strExcludeCharacter As String = "",
   Optional blnAbsPath As Boolean = False
) As Range
Argument Description
strFileName File name.
rngUL The upper left cell of where to place the data.
strDelim Delimiter, e.g. “,” in a comma delimited file.
strExcludeCharacter Sometimes csv files have quotes around strings (“value”). If strExcludeCharacter = “““” then removes the quotes.
blnAbsPath If true strName specify the absolute path otherwise create the folder as a subfolder to the current file placement.


    Dim rng As Range
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5    ' clear test cells so have empty cells
    '' Read data1.csv file (NOTE you must know the separator in the csv file beforehand!)
    Range("G3") = "Content of data1.csv:"
    Set rng = RngFromCSV("data1.csv", Range("G4"), ";") ' paste file in range with upper left cell G4
    MsgBox (RngGetAddress(rng))
    '' Read data2.csv file (NOTE you must know the separator in the csv file beforehand!)
    Range("G8") = "Content of data2.csv:"
    Set rng = RngFromCSV("data2.csv", Range("G9"), ",") ' paste file in range with upper left cell G9
    MsgBox (RngGetAddress(rng))
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`

E.3.1.34 AryDim: Array dimension


Function AryDim(
   ary As Variant
) As Integer
Argument Description
ary The array.

E.3.1.35 AryToStr: Convert an array to a string


Function AryToStr(
   ary As Variant,
   Optional strSep As String = ", "
) As String
Argument Description
ary A 1D or 2D array.
strSep Seperator used to seperate the values.


   Dim intAry(4) As Integer      ' define array of integers with index 0-4
   ' Set values
   intAry(0) = 9
   intAry(1) = 12
   intAry(2) = 222
   intAry(3) = 4
   intAry(4) = 100
   ' Information about the array
   MsgBox ("Lowest index: " & LBound(intAry))
   MsgBox ("Largest index: " & UBound(intAry))
   MsgBox ("Number of elements   : " & UBound(intAry) - LBound(intAry) + 1)
   MsgBox ("Array as a string: " & AryToStr(intAry))

E.3.1.36 AryPaste: Paste a 1D or 2D array to a sheet


Sub AryPaste(
   ary As Variant,
   rngUL As Range,
   Optional blnRowwise As Boolean = True
Argument Description
ary The array.
rng The upper left cell of the printed cells.
blnRowwise Paste the 1D array as a column or row (default).


    Dim ary() As Integer
    Dim strAry() As String
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Set to value single value
    ReDim ary(2)
    Call AryToVal(ary, 5)
    Range("G4") = "A fixed value:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G5")) ' the upper left cell is G5
    '' Paste vertical
    Range("K4") = "Paste vertical:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("K5"), False)
    '' Set to sequence
    Call AryToSeq(ary, 1, 6)
    Range("G10") = "A sequence:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G11"))
    '' Read strings from a range
    Call AryRead(strAry, Range("C31:D33"))  ' read a 2D array
    Range("G31") = "Names in the " & AryDim(strAry) & "D array:"
    Call AryPaste(strAry, Range("G32"))

E.3.1.37 AryPasteRow: Paste a row of a 2D array to a sheet


Sub AryPasteRow(
   ary As Variant,
   intRowIdx As Integer,
   rngUL As Range,
   Optional blnRowwise As Boolean = True
Argument Description
ary The 2D array.
intRowIdx The index of the row to paste.
rngUL The upper left cell of the paste area.
blnRowwise Paste the row horizontal (default).


   Dim ary(2 To 3, 2 To 5) As Integer
   Call AryToVal(ary, 5)  ' set all entries to 5
   ' Paste rows
   Call AryPasteRow(ary, 2, Range("B2")) ' paste row with index 2
   Call AryPasteRow(ary, 0, Range("B4")) ' nothing happens since index is not valid
   Call AryPasteRow(ary, 3, Range("B4"), blnRowwise:=False) ' print horizontial
   ' Paste columns
   Call AryPasteColumn(ary, 2, Range("A9")) ' paste column with index 2
   Call AryPasteColumn(ary, 1, Range("B12")) '  nothing happens since index is not valid
   Call AryPasteColumn(ary, 5, Range("B12"), blnColwise:=False) ' print vertical

E.3.1.38 AryPasteColumn: Paste a column of a 2D array to a sheet


Sub AryPasteColumn(
   ary As Variant,
   intColumnIdx As Integer,
   rngUL As Range,
   Optional blnColwise As Boolean = True
Argument Description
ary The 2D array.
intColumnIdx The index of the row to paste.
rngUL The upper left cell of the paste area.
blnColwise Paste the column vertical (default).


   Dim ary(2 To 3, 2 To 5) As Integer
   Call AryToVal(ary, 5)  ' set all entries to 5
   ' Paste rows
   Call AryPasteRow(ary, 2, Range("B2")) ' paste row with index 2
   Call AryPasteRow(ary, 0, Range("B4")) ' nothing happens since index is not valid
   Call AryPasteRow(ary, 3, Range("B4"), blnRowwise:=False) ' print horizontial
   ' Paste columns
   Call AryPasteColumn(ary, 2, Range("A9")) ' paste column with index 2
   Call AryPasteColumn(ary, 1, Range("B12")) '  nothing happens since index is not valid
   Call AryPasteColumn(ary, 5, Range("B12"), blnColwise:=False) ' print vertical

E.3.1.39 AryCopyRow: Create a 1D array by copying it from a row in a 2D array


Sub AryCopyRow(
   ary As Variant,
   intRowIdx As Integer,
   aryRes As Variant
Argument Description
ary The 2D array.
intRowIdx The index of the row.
aryRes The 1D array to return (dynamic, ByRef). The array will use the same start and end index as the 2D array!


   Dim ary(2 To 3, 2 To 5) As Integer
   Dim aryRes() As Integer
   ' Copy row
   Call AryToVal(ary, 5)  ' set all entries to 5
   Call AryCopyRow(ary, 2, aryRes)  ' copy row with index 2
   Call AryCopyRow(ary, 1, aryRes)  ' nothing happens since index is not valid
   ' Copy column
   Call AryCopyColumn(ary, 3, aryRes)  ' copy column with index 2
   Call AryCopyColumn(ary, 0, aryRes)  ' nothing happens since index is not valid

E.3.1.40 AryCopyColumn: Create a 1D array by copying it from a column in a 2D array


Sub AryCopyColumn(
   ary As Variant,
   intColumnIdx As Integer,
   aryRes As Variant
Argument Description
ary The 2D array.
intColumnIdx The index of the column.
aryRes The 1D array to return (dynamic, ByRef). The array will use the same start and end index as the 2D array!


   Dim ary(2 To 3, 2 To 5) As Integer
   Dim aryRes() As Integer
   ' Copy row
   Call AryToVal(ary, 5)  ' set all entries to 5
   Call AryCopyRow(ary, 2, aryRes)  ' copy row with index 2
   Call AryCopyRow(ary, 1, aryRes)  ' nothing happens since index is not valid
   ' Copy column
   Call AryCopyColumn(ary, 3, aryRes)  ' copy column with index 2
   Call AryCopyColumn(ary, 0, aryRes)  ' nothing happens since index is not valid

E.3.1.41 AryRead: Read a range into a 2D array


Sub AryRead(
   ByRef ary As Variant,
   ByRef rng As Range,
   Optional intStartIdx1 As Integer = 1,
   Optional intStartIdx2 As Integer = 1,
   Optional blnReduceDim As Boolean = True
Argument Description
ary Dynamic array.
rng Range to be copied.
intStartIdx1 Starting index for first dimension (default 1).
intStartIdx2 Starting index for second dimension (default 1).
blnReduceDim If true then reduce a range with 1 row or column to a 1D array. (post?) The array contains the range values


    Dim ary() As Integer
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Read values from a range with only 1 column
    Call AryRead(ary, Range("C5:C9"))
    Range("G4") = AryDim(ary) & "D array:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G5"), False)
    '' Read values from a range with only 1 row
    Call AryRead(ary, Range("C5:E5"))
    Range("I4") = AryDim(ary) & "D array:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("I5"))
    '' Read values from a range with only 1 column/row but use 2D array
    Call AryRead(ary, Range("C11:C14"), blnReduceDim:=False)
    Range("G10") = AryDim(ary) & "D array:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G11"), False)
    '' Use other start and end index
    Call AryRead(ary, Range("C17:E19"), intStartIdx1:=2, intStartIdx2:=5)
    Range("G16") = AryDim(ary) & "D array with start index " & LBound(ary, 1) & " and " & LBound(ary, 2) & ":"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G17"))

E.3.1.42 AryReadLong: Read a range (long format) into an array (up to a 5D array is supported)


Sub AryReadLong(
   ByRef ary As Variant,
   ByRef rng As Range,
   Optional vntDefalult As Variant = 0
Argument Description
ary Dynamic array.
rng Range to be copied in long format, i.e. index in all columns except the last which contains the values. (post?) The array contains the range values


    Dim ary() As Integer
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Read 1D array
    Call AryReadLong(ary, Range("A36:B38"), 3)   ' default value = 3
    Range("G35") = "Values in the " & AryDim(ary) & "D array:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G36"))
    '' Read 2D array
    Call AryReadLong(ary, Range("A41:C47"), 4)   ' default value = 4
    Range("G40") = "Values in the " & AryDim(ary) & "D array:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G41"))
    '' Read 3D array (cannot be pasted to the sheet, have a look at it using the debugger)
    Call AryReadLong(ary, Range("A50:D56"), 5)   ' default value = 5

E.3.1.43 AryEmpty: Check if an array empty


Function AryEmpty(
   ary As Variant
) As Boolean
Argument Description
ary The variable to check.

E.3.1.44 AryToVal: Set all array elements to a specific value


Sub AryToVal(
   ByRef ary As Variant,
   value As Variant
Argument Description
ary A 1D to 5D array.
value The value.


    Dim ary() As Integer
    Dim strAry() As String
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Set to value single value
    ReDim ary(2)
    Call AryToVal(ary, 5)
    Range("G4") = "A fixed value:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G5")) ' the upper left cell is G5

E.3.1.45 AryToSeq: Set all array elements to a sequence


Sub AryToSeq(
   ByRef ary As Variant,
   lngFrom As Long,
   lngTo As Long,
   Optional lngIdx As Long = 1
Argument Description
ary A dynamic array (use redim to resize it)
lngFrom From value.
lngTo To value.
lngIdx Start index in the array.


    Dim ary() As Integer
    Dim strAry() As String
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Set to sequence
    Call AryToSeq(ary, 1, 6)
    Range("G10") = "A sequence:"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G11"))

E.3.1.46 AryQuickSort: Sort a 2-Dimensional array using a quicksort algorithm


Sub AryQuickSort(
   ByRef ary As Variant,
   Optional lngColumn As Long = 0,
   Optional lngStartIdx As Long = -1,
   Optional lngEndIdx As Long = -1
Argument Description
ary Array to sort and return.
lngColumn Column to sort
lngStartIdx Start index to sort from
lngEndIdx End index to sort from

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4873182/sorting-a-multidimensionnal-array-in-vba Posted by Jim Rech 10/20/98 Excel.Programming. Modifications by Nigel Heffernan: Escape failed comparison with empty variant and defensive coding: check inputs


    Dim ary() As Integer
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Read from a range and sort
    Call AryRead(ary, Range("C5:E19"))
    Call AryQuickSort(ary, 1)
    Range("G3") = "Sort w.r.t. 1. column:"
    Call RngPaste(Range("C4:E4"), Range("G4"))
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.47 AryFromCSV: Read a csv file to and array


Sub AryFromCSV(
   ary As Variant,
   strFileName As String,
   Optional strDelim As String = ";",
   Optional strExcludeCharacter As String = "",
   Optional blnAbsPath As Boolean = False,
   Optional lngReadFrom As Long = 1
Argument Description
strFileName File name.
strDelim Delimiter, e.g. “,” in a comma delimited file.
strExcludeCharacter Sometimes csv files have quotes around strings (“value”). If strExcludeCharacter = “““” then removes the quotes.
blnAbsPath If true strName specify the absolute path otherwise create the folder as a subfolder to the current file placement.
lngReadFrom The line to read from.

Inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9564908/open-csv-file-via-vba-performance Will not work if the cell values contain the delimeter. You MUST use blnAbsPath = True if the files are stored at a network folder (e.g. OneDrive) and specify the full path.


    Dim rng As Range
    Dim ary() As Integer
    Call TM5_ClearTestTM5
    '' Read csv file (NOTE you must know the separator in the csv file beforehand!)
    Range("G3") = "Array values:"
    Call AryFromCSV(ary, "data2.csv", ",")   ' know that it contains integers (otherwise use variant)
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("G4"))
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`

E.3.1.48 WstExists: Check if a worksheet exists


Function WstExists(
   strName As String
) As Boolean
Argument Description
strName Name of worksheet.


    If WstExists("Test") Then MsgBox ("Found it!")

E.3.1.49 WstDelete: Delete a worksheet if it exists


Function WstDelete(
   strName As String
) As Boolean
Argument Description
strName Name of worksheet.


    If WstDelete("Test1") Then MsgBox ("Deleted Test1")

E.3.1.50 WstCreate: Create a worksheet


Function WstCreate(
   strName As String,
   Optional blnForce As Boolean = False
) As Boolean
Argument Description
strName Name of worksheet.
blnForce Force deletion of worksheet if exists.


    If WstCreate("Test", blnForce:=True) Then MsgBox ("Created Test")  ' create Test sheet

E.3.1.51 WstRename: Rename a worksheet if it exists and no sheet with the new name


Function WstRename(
   strName As String,
   strNewName As String
) As Boolean
Argument Description
strName Name of worksheet.
strNewName New name of worksheet.


    If WstRename("Test", "Test1") Then MsgBox ("Renamed the Test to Test1")  ' only work if no Test1 sheet

E.3.1.52 WstClear: Clear a worksheet if it exists


Function WstClear(
   strName As String,
   Optional blnCells As Boolean = True,
   Optional blnContents As Boolean = False,
   Optional blnFormat As Boolean = False,
   Optional blnObjects As Boolean = False
) As Boolean
Argument Description
strName Name of worksheet.
blnCells Delete cell contents, formats, comments, etc. (default).
blnContents Delete only cell contents.
blnFormat Delete only cell format.
blnObjects Delete cell buttons and charts too.


    If WstClear("Test8") Then MsgBox ("Cleared Test8") ' no clearing since if no sheet with that name
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`

E.3.1.53 Col2Str: Convert a collection to a string


Function Col2Str(
   col As Collection,
   Optional strSep As String = ", "
) As String
Argument Description
col A collection.
strSep Seperator used to seperate the values.

E.3.1.54 ColCopy: Copy a collection


Function ColCopy(
   colFrom As Collection
) As Collection
Argument Description
colFrom The collection to copy.
#> Warning in stri_sub(string, from = start, to = end): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`
#> Warning in stri_sub(string, from = start, to = end): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`
#> Warning in stri_sub(string, from = start, to = end): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`

E.3.1.55 TmStart: Start timer (unit seconds)


Function TmStart() As Double
Argument Description


    dblTimer = TmStart()
    Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("0:00:02"))   ' wait for approx 2 sec
    MsgBox (TmElapsed(dblTimer, "sec"))

E.3.1.56 TmElapsed: Time since timer has be started.


Function TmElapsed(
   dblTimer As Double,
   Optional strUnit As String = "sec"
Argument Description
dblTimer Timer when started the timer using timer = StartTimer().
strUnit Return unit must be either ms, sec, min or hour otherwise return -1


    dblTimer = TmStart()
    Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("0:00:02"))   ' wait for approx 2 sec
    MsgBox (TmElapsed(dblTimer, "sec"))

E.3.1.57 TmSpeedOptimize: Set some properties for the Application object to optimize excecution of vba


Sub TmSpeedOptimize()
Argument Description


    Dim dbltimer As Double
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim dblT1 As Double, dblT2 As Double
    ' Measure cpu time
    dbltimer = TmStart()
    Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("0:00:02"))   ' wait for approx 2 sec
    MsgBox ("Time used: " & TmElapsed(dbltimer, "sec") & " sec")
    ' Impact of disabling application updates
    Call TmSpeedOptimize
    dbltimer = TmStart()
    For i = 1 To 10000
      Cells(200, 500) = 56
    dblT1 = TmElapsed(dbltimer, "sec")
    Call TmRestoreAfterSpeedOptimize
    dbltimer = TmStart()
    For i = 1 To 10000
      Cells(200, 500) = 56
    dblT2 = TmElapsed(dbltimer, "sec")
    MsgBox ("Time without updates: " & dblT1 & vbCr & "Time with updates: " & dblT2)
    Cells(200, 500).Clear

E.3.1.58 TmRestoreAfterSpeedOptimize: Restore properties for the Application object after have called ApplicationSpeedOptimize


Sub TmRestoreAfterSpeedOptimize()
Argument Description


    Dim dbltimer As Double
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim dblT1 As Double, dblT2 As Double
    ' Measure cpu time
    dbltimer = TmStart()
    Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("0:00:02"))   ' wait for approx 2 sec
    MsgBox ("Time used: " & TmElapsed(dbltimer, "sec") & " sec")
    ' Impact of disabling application updates
    Call TmSpeedOptimize
    dbltimer = TmStart()
    For i = 1 To 10000
      Cells(200, 500) = 56
    dblT1 = TmElapsed(dbltimer, "sec")
    Call TmRestoreAfterSpeedOptimize
    dbltimer = TmStart()
    For i = 1 To 10000
      Cells(200, 500) = 56
    dblT2 = TmElapsed(dbltimer, "sec")
    MsgBox ("Time without updates: " & dblT1 & vbCr & "Time with updates: " & dblT2)
    Cells(200, 500).Clear
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`

E.3.1.59 RandGenNormal: Generate random numbers from a normal distribution


Sub RandGenNormal(
   intSize As Integer,
   dblMean As Double,
   dblSD As Double,
   ary() As Double
Argument Description
intSize Random numbers generated
dblMean Mean.
dblSD Standard deviation.
ary Array to store the values in.


    Dim ary() As Double
    Dim aryDens() As Double
    Dim intSize As Integer

    Randomize    ' initialize random-number generator
    intSize = 20 ' generate 20 numbers for each distribution
    ' Normal
    Call RandGenNormal(intSize, 100, 20, ary)
    Range("A1") = "Normal"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("A2"), False)
    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    Call RandGenUniformCont(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    Call RandGenUniformDisc(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    Call RandGenBinomial(intSize, 100, 0.2, ary)
    Range("C1") = "Binomial"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("C2"), False)
    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    Call RandGenPoisson(intSize, 5, ary)
    Range("D1") = "Poisson"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("D2"), False)
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    Call RandGenDiscrete(intSize, aryDens, ary)
    Range("E1") = "Custom"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("E2"), False)
    Range("G3") = "Custom distribution:"
    Range("G4") = "Value"
    Range("H4") = "Prob."
    Call AryPaste(aryDens, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.60 RandInvNormal: Generate a random number from a normal distribution


Function RandInvNormal(
   dblMean As Double,
   dblSD As Double
) As Double
Argument Description
dblMean Mean.
dblSD Standard deviation.


    MsgBox ("Normal: " & RandInvNormal(100, 20))

E.3.1.61 RandGenUniformCont: Generate random numbers from a continuous uniform distribution


Sub RandGenUniformCont(
   intSize As Integer,
   dblMin As Double,
   dblMax As Double,
   ary() As Double
Argument Description
intSize Random numbers generated
dblMin Minimum number.
dblMax Maximum number (not included).
ary Array to store the values in.


    Dim ary() As Double
    Dim aryDens() As Double
    Dim intSize As Integer

    Randomize    ' initialize random-number generator
    intSize = 20 ' generate 20 numbers for each distribution
    ' Normal
    Call RandGenNormal(intSize, 100, 20, ary)
    Range("A1") = "Normal"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("A2"), False)
    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    Call RandGenUniformCont(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    Call RandGenUniformDisc(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    Call RandGenBinomial(intSize, 100, 0.2, ary)
    Range("C1") = "Binomial"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("C2"), False)
    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    Call RandGenPoisson(intSize, 5, ary)
    Range("D1") = "Poisson"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("D2"), False)
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    Call RandGenDiscrete(intSize, aryDens, ary)
    Range("E1") = "Custom"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("E2"), False)
    Range("G3") = "Custom distribution:"
    Range("G4") = "Value"
    Range("H4") = "Prob."
    Call AryPaste(aryDens, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.62 RandInvUniformCont: Generate a random number from a continuous uniform distribution


Function RandInvUniformCont(
   dblMin As Double,
   dblMax As Double
) As Double
Argument Description
dblMin Minimum number.
dblMax Maximum number (not included).


    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    MsgBox ("Uniform (continuous): " & RandInvUniformCont(10, 500))

E.3.1.63 RandGenUniformDisc: Generate random numbers from a discrete uniform distribution


Sub RandGenUniformDisc(
   intSize As Integer,
   vntMin As Variant,
   vntMax As Variant,
   ary As Variant
Argument Description
intSize Random numbers generated
vntMin Minimum number.
vntMax Maximum number.
ary Array to store the values in.


    Dim ary() As Double
    Dim aryDens() As Double
    Dim intSize As Integer

    Randomize    ' initialize random-number generator
    intSize = 20 ' generate 20 numbers for each distribution
    ' Normal
    Call RandGenNormal(intSize, 100, 20, ary)
    Range("A1") = "Normal"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("A2"), False)
    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    Call RandGenUniformCont(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    Call RandGenUniformDisc(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    Call RandGenBinomial(intSize, 100, 0.2, ary)
    Range("C1") = "Binomial"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("C2"), False)
    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    Call RandGenPoisson(intSize, 5, ary)
    Range("D1") = "Poisson"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("D2"), False)
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    Call RandGenDiscrete(intSize, aryDens, ary)
    Range("E1") = "Custom"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("E2"), False)
    Range("G3") = "Custom distribution:"
    Range("G4") = "Value"
    Range("H4") = "Prob."
    Call AryPaste(aryDens, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.64 RandInvUniformDisc: Generate a random number from a discrete uniform distribution


Function RandInvUniformDisc(
   vntMin As Variant,
   vntMax As Variant
) As Variant
Argument Description
vntMin Minimum number.
vntMax Maximum number.


    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    MsgBox ("Uniform (discrete): " & RandInvUniformDisc(10, 500))

E.3.1.65 RandGenBinomial: Generate random numbers from a binomial distribution


Sub RandGenBinomial(
   intSize As Integer,
   intTrials As Integer,
   dblPr As Double,
   ary() As Double
Argument Description
intSize Random numbers generated
intTrials Number of trials.
dblPr Probability of success.
ary Array to store the values in.


    Dim ary() As Double
    Dim aryDens() As Double
    Dim intSize As Integer

    Randomize    ' initialize random-number generator
    intSize = 20 ' generate 20 numbers for each distribution
    ' Normal
    Call RandGenNormal(intSize, 100, 20, ary)
    Range("A1") = "Normal"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("A2"), False)
    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    Call RandGenUniformCont(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    Call RandGenUniformDisc(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    Call RandGenBinomial(intSize, 100, 0.2, ary)
    Range("C1") = "Binomial"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("C2"), False)
    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    Call RandGenPoisson(intSize, 5, ary)
    Range("D1") = "Poisson"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("D2"), False)
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    Call RandGenDiscrete(intSize, aryDens, ary)
    Range("E1") = "Custom"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("E2"), False)
    Range("G3") = "Custom distribution:"
    Range("G4") = "Value"
    Range("H4") = "Prob."
    Call AryPaste(aryDens, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.66 RandInvBinomial: Generate a random number from a binomial distribution


Function RandInvBinomial(
   intTrials As Integer,
   dblPr As Double
) As Double
Argument Description
intTrials Number of trials.
dblPr Probability of success.


    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    MsgBox ("Binomial: " & RandInvBinomial(100, 0.2))

E.3.1.67 RandGenPoisson: Generate random numbers from a poisson distribution


Sub RandGenPoisson(
   intSize As Integer,
   dblLambda As Double,
   ary() As Double
Argument Description
intSize Random numbers generated
dblLambda Mean.
ary Array to store the values in.

Algorithm suggested by D. Knuth.


    Dim ary() As Double
    Dim aryDens() As Double
    Dim intSize As Integer

    Randomize    ' initialize random-number generator
    intSize = 20 ' generate 20 numbers for each distribution
    ' Normal
    Call RandGenNormal(intSize, 100, 20, ary)
    Range("A1") = "Normal"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("A2"), False)
    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    Call RandGenUniformCont(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    Call RandGenUniformDisc(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    Call RandGenBinomial(intSize, 100, 0.2, ary)
    Range("C1") = "Binomial"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("C2"), False)
    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    Call RandGenPoisson(intSize, 5, ary)
    Range("D1") = "Poisson"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("D2"), False)
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    Call RandGenDiscrete(intSize, aryDens, ary)
    Range("E1") = "Custom"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("E2"), False)
    Range("G3") = "Custom distribution:"
    Range("G4") = "Value"
    Range("H4") = "Prob."
    Call AryPaste(aryDens, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.68 RandInvPoisson: Generate a random number from a Poisson distribution


Function RandInvPoisson(
   dblLambda As Double
) As Long
Argument Description
dblLambda Mean.

Algorithm suggested by D. Knuth.


    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    MsgBox ("Poisson: " & RandInvPoisson(5))

E.3.1.69 RandGenDiscrete: Generate random numbers from a custom discrete distribution


Sub RandGenDiscrete(
   intSize As Integer,
   dblDens As Variant,
   ary As Variant
Argument Description
intSize Random numbers generated
dblDens The probability density. First column contains the outcome and the second the probability.
ary Array to store the values in.

Assume that the second column in aryDens sums to one.


    Dim ary() As Double
    Dim aryDens() As Double
    Dim intSize As Integer

    Randomize    ' initialize random-number generator
    intSize = 20 ' generate 20 numbers for each distribution
    ' Normal
    Call RandGenNormal(intSize, 100, 20, ary)
    Range("A1") = "Normal"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("A2"), False)
    ' Cont. uniform [10,500[
    Call RandGenUniformCont(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Discrete uniform 10,...,500
    Call RandGenUniformDisc(intSize, 10, 500, ary)
    Range("B1") = "Uniform"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("B2"), False)
    ' Binomial 100 trials, pr = 0.2
    Call RandGenBinomial(intSize, 100, 0.2, ary)
    Range("C1") = "Binomial"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("C2"), False)
    ' Poisson lambda = 5
    Call RandGenPoisson(intSize, 5, ary)
    Range("D1") = "Poisson"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("D2"), False)
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    Call RandGenDiscrete(intSize, aryDens, ary)
    Range("E1") = "Custom"
    Call AryPaste(ary, Range("E2"), False)
    Range("G3") = "Custom distribution:"
    Range("G4") = "Value"
    Range("H4") = "Prob."
    Call AryPaste(aryDens, Range("G5"))

E.3.1.70 RandInvDiscrete: Generate a random number from a custom discrete distribution


Function RandInvDiscrete(
   aryDens As Variant
) As Variant
Argument Description
aryDens The probability density. First column contains the outcome and the second the probability.

Assume that the second column in aryDens sums to one.


    Dim aryDens() As Double
    ' Custom discrete
    ReDim aryDens(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
    aryDens(1, 1) = 3
    aryDens(2, 1) = 4
    aryDens(3, 1) = 5
    aryDens(4, 1) = 6
    aryDens(1, 2) = 0.1
    aryDens(2, 2) = 0.3
    aryDens(3, 2) = 0.5
    aryDens(4, 2) = 0.1
    MsgBox ("Custom (discrete): " & RandInvDiscrete(aryDens))


Wøhlk, S. 2010. VBA Programming in Business Economics. DJØF Publishing.