F Learning goals

The purpose of this course is to give students a knowledge about IT tools for Analytics which requires the analyst to be qualified in handling tools beyond e.g. basic Excel.
After having participated in the course, the student must, in addition to achieving general academic skills, demonstrate:

Knowledge of

  1. how a computer works at a basic level.
  2. basic programming such as variables, arrays, loops, functions and procedures.
  3. what an algorithm is.
  4. how to implement an algorithm based on a description.
  5. different programming languages.
  6. how to manage a code in a collaborative working environment.

Skills to

  1. handle data such as import, tidy, transform, visualize and export.
  2. develop well-structured code.
  3. perform testing and debugging.
  4. implement/code selected algorithms.
  5. apply analytical techniques on data.
  6. apply relevant methods, algorithms and techniques from this course in order to solve a specific problem.

Competences to

  1. independently handle data given a problem.
  2. independently analyze data given a relevant research question.
  3. compare different programming languages.
  4. compare different algorithms solving a problem and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
  5. interpret and discuss results based on a data analysis in relation to the relevant academic literature.
  6. communicate results from applied research in a scientific way, e.g. using literate programming.